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Revista Rio Samba e Carnaval by Portal Academia do Samba - Issuu

Abstract: This article looks at the history of left-wings in Colombia, framed within what was happening in the country, Latin America, and the world between and The chronology favors the internal aspects of the history of Colombian left-wings, allowing us to appreciate their achievements and limitations framed into such a particular context as the Colombian one. Resumo: Este artigo observa a história das esquerdas na Colômbia, contextualizada dentro daquilo que ocorria no país, na América Latina e no universo entre e A cronologia privilegia os aspectos internos da história das esquerdas colombianas, o que possibilita estimar seus êxitos e suas limitações de aliança com um contexto particular como é o colombiano. Resumen: Este artículo pontaria la historia de las izquierdas en Colombia, enmarcada dentro de lo que ocurría en el país, América Latina y el mundo entre y La cronología privilegia los aspectos internos de la historia de las izquierdas colombianas, lo que permite apreciar los logros y limitaciones de éstas enmarcadas en un contexto particular como es el colombiano. This article looks at the whole history of left-wings in Colombia framed within what was happening in the country and the world during the second half of the 20th century and the early 21st century. Elsewhere, we have addressed the conceptual issue of what is left-wing, by thinking through its difference from the right-wing ARCHILA,

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