Translation of keno in Portuguese

Casino games Portugal 543694

Gaming can be allowed by a special authorization of the State. The authorizations are awarded for fixed periods of time and are subject to strict regulation and control. In a recent report prepared for the Portuguese Government, a Working group enumerated the reasons justifying the well framed environment in the framework of which gaming may be exploited. Gaming, states the Report, is an «atypical and sensitive economic activity» belonging to public order, which must be closely scrutinized in order to prevent organized crime and money laundering For sake of consumers and families protection, and in order to «sublimate the human tendency to gambling», the State undertook to regulate each area of gaming, keeping the few persons and entities allowed to exploit gaming under tight control. Portugal accords an exclusive right at the national level to operate lottery and lotterylike gaming, to the charity entity Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa SCML.

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