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Depois a queda do martelo, a titularidade do animal e os riscos relacionados ao mesmo passam a ser integralmente do comprador, bem como as despesas pela sua custódia, segurança e transporte. Pre-Sales Examination All prospective buyers and interested parties shall previously carefully and thoroughly, personally, through their buying agent, horse breaker or an appointed veterinary, examine all animals they wish to bid, thus becoming mandatory the acceptance of the acquired animals, with all the failures they may possibly have, except for the guarantees provided in item 11 below. Breathing Problems Respiratory tract problems diagnosed by endoscopy shall not be, in any case, reason to rescind the sale. Interested parties shall previously examine the animals. If there is interest on part of sellers, to prevent many exams in their animals, they may request before the organizers, after paying a fee, that exams shall be performed and made available to interested parties. Post-Sales Exams Buyers shall have a 48 forty-eight working hours term to examine acquired animals and point, in writing, within this term, to the Selling Agent, with copy to the organizer, possible problems listed in item 11 below, case in which, if there is agreement of the seller, there will be rescission of the acquisition. After the hammer is dropped, the ownership of the animal and the risks related to it shall integrally belong to the buyer, as well as the expenses for its custody, safety and transportation.


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