Croisières au départ de Rio de Janeiro

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Rio de Janeiroville lumière du Brésilest la deuxième ville du pays. Elle est située dans la baie de Guanabara. Vous allez être submergé par les symboles forts de la ville lors de vos croisières à Rio de Janeiro. Débutez par la plage de Copacabana qui offre 4,5 km de sable blanc et la possibilité de déguster un verre en admirant le dynamisme de l'endroit. C'est l?

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Início Numéros 39 Dossiê Balneomar Historical evolution of seafront Large-scale anthropic intervention in the coastal zone started mainly in the 19th century due to the need to accommodate increasingly larger ships in the port areas, and to the diffusion of the value of beaches as places for sea-bathing. Throughout the 20th century, urban growth of coastal areas increased, and it is where, nowadays, some of the largest cities in the world are established. Also, several popular tourist destinations are found in the coastal areas, creating a huge flux of people. In this work is presented the historic evolution of the coastal zone occupation in the city of Rio de Janeiro Brazil and in the Bay of Biscay France with emphasis on its influence on the natural dynamics of sandy beaches, and on their vulnerability and risks to coastal erosion.

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